Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've been going to KDU College for 3 weeks now for my twinning program with Murdoch. The environment is ok. It looks spacious, it's air conditioned, the lecturers and tutors are awesome and everything's computerized!

For a computer dummy like me, the whole system had me in shock. We need to download our slides from our Murdoch site. We have LITE test online. We will eventually get to play with cool stuff like the control board for radio DJs. We actually have projectors in every room.

Of course we're really talking about apples and oranges if you want to compare TAR College with Murdoch-KDU twinning.

1. For starters, KDU has a classy and professional look. TAR is a little more common class.

2. KDU has an elevator! In TAR, we have to walk up 3 floors even if it kills us.

3. There's a toilet on every floor in KDU. Back in TAR, the toilet's on the BOTTOM floor. Imagine, you really have to pee. You need to run down 3 floors. After that you have to run back up 3 floors so you won't miss too much of class. If you're dying to pee, you'll end up really feeling like dying after you pee.

4. There's actually toilet paper in KDU toilets! In TAR, they have the toilet paper holders, but there's never any toilet paper in it (where's the sense in that?!).

5. Maybe due to the fact that KDU is smaller, you don't have to walk a mile just to get to a different block and class like back in TAR. This means you won't get wet when it's raining. We sometimes had to use an umbrella to get to class in TAR!

6. All lectures are conducted using power point presentation. Imagine my shock when the lecturers are saying "using transparency slides are so ancient! I don't think there's ny colleges doing that anymore". TAR uses transparency slides pratically all the time! O.o It's kinda like I took a time machine from past to future when i graduated from TAR and entered KDU.

7. Get this. There's WiFi in KDU. We can even use it in the toilet. Just not in classes. In TAR, we don't get any WiFi except in CIT and library.

8. KDU cafeteria has nice chairs and tables that makes it look like a nice place to eat in. In TAR, both canteens are using tables and chairs like our canteens back in primary school. The Club house is better but we use normal plastic chairs and tables there. Plus, it's squeezed so close together that sometimes you can't exit the area without asking someone to get off their seat and push in the chair to give you some space.

9. In KDU, our student cards actualy have a usage. You can buy points to put in it so you can use it to buy food, oark in our KDU parking space, get in the computer lab to use, ring the staff to come to our aid when we have questions, print out documents or stuff we want, etc. In TAR, our student cards are for guards to make sure we're students (although most anyone can walk in at the main gate. Big sweat there) and to get in the library.

10. KDU's bursary has a system where you can take a number and wait for your turn (eventhough the system is pretty weird. You take a number inside and wait outside. You can watch whatever programs KDU shows you on the TV while waiting for your number to come). In TAR, the bursary will have a REALLY long bee line waiting for their turn to pay. There, people who line up for their friends, like 1 fella lining up for 5 friends, is inevitably a trend. It would totally piss you off to see people in front of you letting a bunch of people cut in.

The 2 colleges are really different. I would not say I did not enjoy myself in TAR but KDU is a brand new experience for me and I'm loving it~ Of course, it being so close to my home, I never have to take another train for an hour all they way to college ever again!

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